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Virtual Data Rooms

Share and collaborate on business-critical documents in a secure way

NGN International is happy to provide you the best VDR solution based on iDeals platform to manage diligence process, upload, access and share your sensitive documents with safety and ease.

iDeals is the unique VDR solution you can deploy in your own infrastructure – on premise.

15 Minutes

For deployment

No Plug-ins

Can be accessed from any device

Upload via Drag & Drop

Works With More Than 25 Formats

Invite Hundreds Of Users

Rights Management

Control the access to your data

Safe and Secure

Document protection via personally-identifiable watermarks.

“Fence view” can prevent viewing from CCTV cameras.

Secure Spreadsheet Viewer lets you view and manipulate with data in Excel format.

2-step verification with SMS code

Restrict access to the user with time limit and IP address

Control who viewed the documents for how much time

24/7 Security Operation Center

Contact us, and we will prepare the most suitable virtual data room solution for your project. We integrate this solution according to your preferences and plans. We make sure you are satisfied with the result. NGN International will provide all necessary support and consulting and take care about your objectives.

Tell us about your projects, and get a free consultation by our experts
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