How Intelligent Automation can influence your career growth



How Intelligent Automation can influence your career growth


Intelligent Automation is a combination of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence technologies. Together they empower rapid end-to-end business process automation and accelerate digital transformation. In contrast to traditional automation, which relies on prescriptive instructions and structured data inputs, Intelligent Automation assists with each step of the automation cycle, and then continues to improve over time.

Career growth opportunity

Throughout economic history, talented humans have been a source of innovation and advancement with their skills and knowledge – and this is no exception for today's situation. COVID-19 has had a big impact on a large number of industries, and digital transformation is becoming a matter of business survival. The ability to adapt, speed up internal processes, transfer them to a digital environment and implement technologies are becoming important factors for success in the world of remote work and self-isolation. Accordingly, the demand for digital transformation and technologies that facilitate digital transformation has grown in general. So, what does it mean for you and your colleagues? It means that today we’re facing a high demand for specialists with the appropriate skills. Skills that can open a window of career opportunities.

According to a 2019 IBM study, “As business platforms mature and companies continue to introduce new intelligent workflows to succeed on those platforms, the need for continuous reskilling in the workforce will be paramount to remain competitive. Executives recognize that advances in intelligent automation will bring multiple benefits. At the same time, they also realize millions of workers may require retraining/reskilling.”

Reskilling readiness

Are employees ready for that? PwC asked more than 22,000 workers from across the globe to share their hopes and fears on intelligent automation and its influence on their career. The research demonstrated quite positive results:

  • Firstly, people know automation will change their jobs, and want to learn new skills to improve their employability: 53% of workers believe automation will significantly change or make their job obsolete within the next ten years and only 28% of respondents feel this is unlikely.
  • Secondly, research participants believe that digital skills are the key: most workers welcome new technologies. The majority (61%) were positive about the impact of technology on their day-to-day work. However, only a third of workers (33%) have an opportunity to develop digital skills outside their normal duties.
  • Thirdly, at least half believe that automation presents more opportunities than risks. They believe that automation will improve their job prospects and enable them to achieve digital proficiency or become an expert.

Earn more at any level

The implementation of Intelligent Automation helps to optimize the costs of business processes within the organization and free up time resources that you can spend on strategic planning. Here we see savings in practical application and the resulting investments in competent planning and a deeper study of business tasks. Accordingly, organizations earn money by saving time and using strategically chosen solutions.

Now let's turn to the employee's personal benefit: Intelligent Automation skills will allow you to become an even more professional expert and contribute to career growth in a period of high demand for digital transformation. Making timely decisions to expand your professional competencies will be a profitable investment and the key to your well-being.